Sunday, May 7, 2023


Rule 3.Accept What Is Done Is Done
People make mistakes. Sometimes very serious ones. As often
as not, the mistakes aren’t deliberate or personal. Sometimes
people just don’t know what they are doing. This means that
if, in the past, people have behaved badly toward you, it wasn’t
necessarily because they meant to be horrid, but because they
were as naïve, as foolish, as human as the rest of us. They
made mistakes in the way they brought you up or finished a
relationship with you or whatever, not because they wanted to
do it that way, but because they didn’t know any different.
If you want to, you can let go of any feelings of resentment, of
regret, of anger. You can accept that you are a fabulous human
being because of all the bad things that have happened to you,
not in spite of them. What is done is done, and you need to
just get on with your life. Don’t use the labels “good” and
“bad.” Yes, I know some of it is indeed bad, but it is how we
let it affect us that is the real “bad.” You could let all these
things get you down, fizzle away internally like some emo-
tional acid making you ill and resentful and stuck. But you
will let them go, embrace them as character forming, and in
general as positive rather then negative.
On paper I had a seriously dysfunctional childhood and for a
while was resentful. I blamed my bizarre upbringing for all
that was weak or dispirited or badly formed in me. It’s so easy
to do. But once I accepted that what was done was done, and
that I could choose to forgive and get on with my life, things
improved enormously. Not all of my siblings chose the same
route, and they carried on building up the resentment until it overwhelmed them.
For me it was essential, if I wanted more out of my life, to
embrace all the bad things as being an important part of me
and to move on. In fact, I wanted them to fuel me into my
future, to become positive to such an extent that I couldn’t
imagine being me without them. Now, if given the choice, I
wouldn’t change a thing. Yes, looking back, it was tough being
the kid I was, living the life I did, but it has certainly helped
make me, me.
I think the change occurred once I realized that even if I could
get in front of me all the people who had “done me wrong,”
there would still be nothing they could do. I could shout at
them, berate them, rant at them, but there would be nothing
they could do to make amends or put things right. They, too,
would have to accept that what’s done is done. There is no
going back, only forward. Make it a motto for life keep moving forward.

Thursday, October 7, 2021


You’ll Get Older But Not
Necessarily Wiser
There is an assumption that as we get older we will get wiser;
not true, I’m afraid. But we can carry on being just as foolish,
still making plenty of mistakes. It’s just that we make new
ones, different ones. We do learn from experience and may not
make the same mistakes again, but there is a whole new pickle
jar of fresh ones just lying in wait for us to trip up and
fall into. The secret is to accept this and not to beat yourself
up when you do make new ones. The Rule really is: Be kind
to yourself when you do muck things up. Be forgiving,
and accept that it’s all part of that growing older but no wiser
Looking back, we can always see the mistakes we made, but
we fail to see the ones looming up. Wisdom isn’t about not
making mistakes, but about learning to escape afterward with
our dignity and sanity intact.
When we are young, aging seems to be something that hap-
pens to, well, old people. But it does happen to us all, and we
have no choice but to embrace it and roll with it. Whatever we
do and however we are, the fact is we are going to get older.
And this aging process does seem to speed up as we get older.
You can look at it this way—the older you get, the more areas
you’ve covered to make mistakes in. There will always be new
areas of experience where we have no guidelines and where
we’ll handle things badly, overreact, get it wrong. And the
more flexible we are, the more adventurous, the more life-
embracing, then the more new avenues there will be to explore- and make mistakes in, of course.
As long as we look back and see where we went wrong and
resolve not to repeat such mistakes, there is little else we need
to do. Remember that any Rules that apply to you also apply
to everyone else around you. Others are all getting older, too.
And not any wiser particularly. Once you accept this, you’ll be
more forgiving and kinder toward yourself and others.
Finally, yes, time does heal, and things do get better as you get
older. After all, the more mistakes you’ve made, the less likely
that you’ll come up with new ones. The best thing is that if
you get a lot of your mistakes over and done with early on in
life, there will be less to learn the hard way later on. And that’s
what youth is all about: a chance to make all the mistakes you
can and get them out of the way.

Saturday, August 14, 2021


Rule.1- Keep It Under Your Hat.

You are about to become a Rules Player. You are about to
embark on a life-changing adventure, possibly, if you choose
to accept your mission. You are about to discover ways to
become positive, happy, and successful in everything you do.
So there’s no need to say anything to anybody about it. Keep
quiet. No one likes a smart arse. That’s it. First Rule: Keep It
Under Your Hat.
There may well be times when you do want to talk to other
people about what you’re doing because, quite naturally, you
want to share it with somebody. Well, you can’t and you don’t.
Let people find out for themselves with no clues from you.
You may think this unfair, but it is actually fairer than you
believe. If you tell them, they’ll shy away. And quite rightly
so—we all hate being preached at. It’s a bit like when you give
up smoking and suddenly find this new healthier way of living
and you simply have to convert all your old smoking friends.
Trouble is, they aren’t ready to quit yet and you find they label
you as smug or self-righteous or, even worse, an ex-smoker.
And how we all hate those.
So the first Rule is, quite simply, don’t preach, propagate, try to
convert, shout from the rooftops, or even mention this.
You will get a warm glow from changing your attitude to life
and having people ask what it is you have done, are doing,
and you can say that it’s nothing, merely a sunny day and you
feel better/happier/livelier/whatever. There is no need to go
into any detail because that’s not really what people want to
know. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite of what they want to know. It’s a bit like when someone asks how you are. What
they want to really hear is just the one word, “Fine.” Even if
you are in the very pits of despair, that’s all people want to
hear because anything more requires commitment on their
part. And for a casual “How are you?”, that’s most certainly
not what they want. What they want is just “Fine.” And then
they can be about their business without any further involve-
ment. If you don’t say “Fine” but instead unburden yourself,
they will back off pretty quickly.
And it’s the same with being a Rules Player. No one really
wants to know, so keep quiet. How do I know? Because when
I wrote The Rules of Work, which turned a lot of people onto
the ability to be successful in the workplace without having to
resort to underhand means, I suggested the same thing and
found it worked. Just get on with it, do it quietly, and go about
your daily life happily and smugly without having to tell
anyone anything.


Rule 3.Accept What Is Done Is Done People make mistakes. Sometimes very serious ones. As often as not, the mistakes aren’t deliberate or per...